Here is a brief synopsis of my somewhat unconventional life:

In 1967 I went to Israel as a volunteer after the 6-Day War. I loved it and in 1969, emigrated, and stayed for 3 years. I returned to South Africa in 1971, completed my degree at Wits, then my H.Dip. Ed. and after which I taught high school for a few years.

Returning from Israel, experienced reverse culture-shock and felt rather unsettled. Somewhere in that period, sitting in the garden of my parents' home, I had a spontaneous mystical opening and something deep inside shifted. I was an intellectual atheist who now found herself interested in spirituality and mysticism.

In 1978, I moved to California and have resided in the bay area ever since. My first few years in San Francisco I felt like a kid in a candy store with so many things to explore in the spiritual and human potential arena.

Among other things, I did a Hypnotherapy training and a Coaches Training. I had numerous jobs: marketing award-winning diversity videos, working on a community newspaper, working with seniors, facilitating discussion groups, some administrative work, and I taught Hebrew at Sunday School.

I've enjoyed the inclusive, open minded approach of Jewish Renewal. I have also been into Buddhism, and other Wisdom Teachings. I've done a variety of different workshops and courses over the years, all focused in one way or another on coming to know and rest in one's true self. I've explored movement and free form dance expression, and I love to write. I continue to be a delighted observer of the poetic way in which life unfolds, and now find myself focusing more seriously on writing.