I was born in Israel on 26 July 1949 and at the age of six, in 1955, moved with my family to South Africa (initially to Cape Town for one year and then to Johannesburg).

I spent my entire school life living in Yeoville where I first attended Bernard Patley School and then transferred to King David Primary School in Linksfield from Standard 2 (Grade 4) onwards, through my high school days at King David High School in Linksfield.

I matriculated in 1966 with 4 distinctions (Maths, Accounting, Mechanics and Hebrew) and then commenced studies for a B.Com degree at Wits. Univesity. My first years were spent primarily in the canteen where I obtained a doctorate in Klaberjas, a skill I still use till today.

Eventually, in 1971, I completed my bachelors' degree and went into the commercial world where I worked for the family business. The business was started by my late father and brother (both of Blessed Memory) and was eventually to become the largest group of wholesale electric suppliers in the country and one of the largest industrial groups in the country. In the mean time, I had commenced (in 1980) and successfully completed (in 1982) my studies for an MBA at Wits where I graduated Cum Laude.

In 1992, the family sold its interests in the group which were then held through a conglomerate of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and of which I was an executive director.

I married in June 1975 Terry (nee Gien) from Johannesburg and we spent our married life in Sandton. Two children were born: Jaqui in 1979 and Russell in 1981.

Terry and I, together with our children went to live in Israel in August 1992 following the sale of the business.

Jaqui is married to Marc Lawrence (originally from Liverpool) and lives with her two children in Ra'anana across the road from us. She is a qualified fashion designer and make-up artist and it is in the latter profession that she runs her own business. Marc works for a company which plans medical conferences overseas. They have two children (Lilah aged 5 and Max aged 2).

Russell is married to Anna Bareretz (originally from Nevada USA) and lives with his two (and three quarters) children in Netanya, some 15 km from us. He is an electronic engineer for a high tech company in Ra'anana whilst Anna is a freelance editor and translator. Their children are Oz (aged 5) and Ram (aged 3). They are expecting their third boy at the end of March.

In 1998, I built a Shul in Ra'anana in memory of my late parents (Of Blessed Memories) and whilst I am not involved at committee level, I still spend time on Shul matters. I also learn Torah part time in a Kollel in Ra'anana. The rest of my time is spent looking after the family's global financial and tax affairs and watching sport (soccer, cricket, snooker are my favourites). Terry is a world acclaimed quilter and whilst most of her work is for charitable purposes, she also keeps the family afloat with some income which she generates (lol).

Of course, the main focus of our lives is our children and grandchildren.