Joined KDHS class of 1966 midway, coming from Beersheva, Israel
Failed to make it as a professional athlete; failed to make it as a rock star
After KDHS: B.Sc (Math Stats), MBA, MB.,B.Ch all at Wits
Psychiatry residency at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Next 38 years, so far, joint appointment Brown University and Butler Hospital
Medical Director for Medical Administration and Credentialing. Associate Professor
Chief of Critical Care services and ECT
Have become overweight
Have regular contact with my- chinas Barry Teeger and Ian Sack
Have retired from tennis, skiing, surfing. Can bike ride if the hills are gentle
Still play pinball and snooker at the highest level
Married Robyn Horwitz Furman Strength: runs the house. Weakness: does not listen, does not surf
5 children, 3 grandchildren
1. Michael-Saul Strength: Pediatric Radiology, Boston; Weakness: prefers baseball to cricket, cannot surf
2. Rachel=Batsheva Strength: Anesthesiologist , Providence. Surfs. Weakness: drives dangerously
3. Ruthie-Judith Strength: CPA-Physical therapist , Boston; Weakness: Rhode Island tennis champion only in 2002; finished but did not win marathons in Boston and Chicago. Marrying this year (Bloody expense)
4. Deborah-Pennia Strength: engineer cardiac research, Boston. Weakness: answers back; skis but cannot surf
5. Mustang, 2015, in British Racing Green. Strength: fastest set of wheels in town. Weakness: none
Michael and Zoe have children Rosalie (age 3) and Koppel (age 2)
Rachel-Batsheva and Scott have 4 month old Shira.
All grand children take after their grandfather Martin in everything